you've read this far, thank you. I started this project to share a
little of what I've learned, through trial and error for the most
part, in the sincere belief that nothing in this book is the result
of any special talent or knowledge on my part.
the lion's share of the credit for the images in this book must go to
the boffins at Fujifilm, who built my really quite amazing camera. If
very little of this book has actually been about the hardware of
photography, it's because Fujifilm made all those chapters redundant.
Kudos, guys!
thanks too, to all those clever programmers who've developed
Photoshop into the amazing package it is. All the stuff I've gone on
about is only scratching the surface of what Photoshop will do if
you're willing to spend time and money on learning to use it
properly. I wasn't, but the really old version I use and my 10 basic
tools have proven to be enough for my needs. They're a good place to
start if you're still not convinced about bridge cameras, because
those 10 basic Photoshop tools work just as well for photos taken on
your phone. You can try that stuff before you buy a camera.
but by no means least, thanks to Holly and Nel for not playing 'dodge
the camera'.
Andrew Weighill-Richards